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How to Keep Great Ideas Flowing Every Day

Eliminate these beliefs and habits to move forward with your writing.

You dream of being a successful author. You join a platform where you can write about any chosen topic. But your momentum stops. You feel like you’ve run out of ideas.

Here are some roadblocks and ways to bypass them.

Fear rears its ugly head through self-defeating beliefs and behaviors. Fear leads to perfectionism, procrastination, and leaving things unfinished. You might struggle with all these habits. They get in the way of sharing your gift. You’ll need to get past them if you want to grow.

Perfectionism stunts our growth. We feel stuck because our writing doesn’t measure up to our unrealistic expectations. If you give into perfectionist tendencies, it’ll be hard to practice your skills and improve your craft.

Step away from writing for others and journal your feelings. Why are you afraid to share anything but the most excellent piece? What’s stopping you from taking a risk?

Meditation is another useful tool for getting to the heart of the matter. Sitting in silence brings clarity and focus. Once you know your reasons, you can solve the problem.

Not everyone will enjoy your creations. Others might share constructive criticism, which can be helpful. Try sharing one story at a time without being overcritical. Gently remind the inner critic you’re in charge this time. You might need to commit to hitting publish after one run-through editing session.

Procrastination is related yet trickier. You might not consciously believe there’s anything wrong with your writing. Yet you somehow always end up leaving it until the last minute. In certain circles, I’ve heard procrastination described as a 5-syllable word for fear…

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